Coming soon in bookstores: I refuse!
I refuse!
struggles to defend the health and environment in Campania
of Antonio Musella
with contributions from: Peter Rinaldi, National Network, Zero Waste, Bell Network Health and Environment, Naples Uniriot
Editions Sensitive to the leaves
ISBN 978-88-89883-20-4
Euro 13.00 VAT included
This book comes from the desire to tell what 'is happening in Campania than the so called "emergeza waste." To know the places devastated by a landfill in Pianura, Naples, Giugliano, Acerra, but also the struggles and popular participation that has' developed in recent years in these lands. A job that puts this vast social process in the metropolitan context, describing the dynamics of political and economic as well as the economy continues contamination between legal and illegal. A look Rigorous journalism and especially live, that while documenting the reasons for the "no", he subtly emergence of so many "A" to "a new waste plan for the region. It casts the struggle in defense of health and the environment in a more 'broad scenario that extends to new movement to fight in defense of common goods in our country and in Europe.