Gravina in Puglia, October 29, 2010
GD - UDC Young
Gravina in Puglia
Gravina in Puglia, October 29, 2010
GD - UDC Young
Gravina in Puglia
are now numerous unfortunate incidents in recent months that have seen anonymous individuals, who do not have the courage to show the sunshine on their face, to sign on behalf of the "Youth of the Democratic Party" or " PD Gravina "statements and complaints against cooperatives that operate in our territory or local administrators.
The Democratic Party's Gravina in an official manner takes away from this and denunciations, which have not been made by the Young Democrats Club nor the PD Gravina, who, when they make an official statement, they usually always signed with Name.
wary anyone from the unduly disclose complaints and statements on behalf of the Democratic Party or its youth component.
Secretary PD Gravina
Alesio Valente
Leonardo Gravina GD Mita
three years after the birth of the Democratic Party Gravina also give life to the first Democratic Party.
The festival stems from the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an ever closer link between politics and the city.
born to build a bridge to the best city ... Gravina that honest working, dreaming, working to improve the conditions of future generations .
's why we want to discuss with you and authoritative representatives of the territory of important issues such as work the legality , the development of the territory the federalism and noon.
Compare our development ideas with your and try to take with you a path that leads us to the construction of an alternative of city government based on your real needs and needs.
We look forward to the streets to build a better PD a better city ...
Alesio Valente - Democratic Party Secretary Gravina
scoundrel to which citizens are getting used to Gravina and are also willing to tolerate, as long as you finally give effect to all that has been promised so far only in words.
But the administration of high-sounding proclamations and promises not kept by this time has not been disproved.
Given the attention and interest that had developed on this issue, we expected to discuss the City Council's October 5 decision of the Municipal Council, which, they argue, would begin the work of the pool.
But no, the pool is returned to the silence.
the agenda of the municipal council nor the shadow of that act, which seems to have lost on the way through the maze of dark uncertainties of this majority. Apparently, this was the umpteenth joke late summer of an administration run out of arguments launched because every time the city was aware that he still has a mayor and administration, which more than 15 months of their settlement continues undeterred ... Just listen to propaganda, just words, no action!
This is the sad balance of an administration that thinks only of its internal affairs and does not care about the public good of our community.
Democratic Party
Circle area of \u200b\u200bGravina in Puglia .