Thursday, May 29, 2008

Is Brushed Cotton Different Than Moleskin


For personal reasons, and emotional, this blog closes. See you on !

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Training Of In Free Streaming

Know ...

... that just because you wake up, eat, you move, you deceive yourself to think and feel, you fall asleep and dreams, not to say that you're alive.
Know that until you see what you see and feel what you feel, the reality remains far removed from all your business.
Know that life is something else, and maybe you'll understand the next attempt ... or the one after that ... or that ... the other, I said, it is still too soon ....
Know that if you think I have it with you ... you got really good, I have with you. Nor
the fact that now you're angry and you're thinking ill of me to say that you're alive.
Trying to recover by asking me if I'm alive? But just the fact that you do so annoying I think a good test of my life. Do not worry, the next spin of the wheel maybe grow a little '.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Ap Bio Lab Eight Answers