E 'dead Ibraj Musa
With deep and heartfelt sympathy note, who died in Nis, where he was a refugee and a refugee with her family, Ibraj Musa, Kosovar Albanian, who head one of the families adopted by our Association, the Project Kosovo Metohija.
A man with a history of life is almost unique and perhaps unique.
His life, his life choices have been a piece of history of the twentieth century, a piece of history of the Balkans and its peoples. And he has lived by the protagonist, with conscience and courage.
Ibraj Musa was born April 24, 1923, had 13 children from three marriages: the first wife Albanian, Roma and the second the present, Ms. Rosa, Serbia.
veteran of World War II, when Nazi-Fascist occupation of Yugoslavia, he fought as a partisan in the Resistance, the first in Albania and in Serbia and then in Bosnia. He and his family lived in Osek Hila, a village 5 kilometers from Djakovica, inhabited by Albanians and 1600 a few dozen Serbs.
After the aggression of NATO and the subsequent occupation of Kosovo in June '99, which gave the green light to terrorist KLA forces in the Serbian province, as thousands of Kosovo Albanian families, the Ibraj had to flee to Serbia for not be killed by the secessionists.
fact they were defined as "traitors" and "collaborators" of the Serbs, for simply because they do not believe in independence and have fought for the unity and friendship among the peoples of Kosovo, the violence and oppression against terrorist KLA.
So his family has perhaps paid the highest price of all the families of missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija, while Kosovo Albanians, three sons and three grandchildren kidnapped and murdered by the KLA bands, of which 5 are identified and one still missing. Ibraj knew the bodies were not found until shortly before his death, as the surviving eldest son, who went to identify their brothers, nephews and his son, Musa did not say the old, not to give him more pain.
The story of this man, a real piece of living history of Balkans, which has passed through successive events in the last century, with great courage, always partisan, in the fullest sense of that term, that is deployed on the side of its people, of justice, freedom, whatever the cost: in 1941 when he took the way of the mountain to fight the fascists, until 1998 when he was elected commander of the "Kosovo Albanian self-defense militias" against terrorism and the violence of the KLA. These militias were formed mostly by Kosovar Albanians, and mixed in many countries, were present in more than 130 municipalities in Kosmet as a form of self-defense to protect civilians from violent gangs and the imposition of the KLA.
When, through the Association Srecna Porodica, with whom we have one of the projects of solidarity for Kosovo Methoija, there was a proposal to support this family, as a victim of the terrorist KLA, we did not know the whole story of the old Musa, was an unforgettable day for us when we went in their Current disadvantaged homes, Hum a country village near Nis, where they live as refugees, to escape reprisals by the KLA criminals, today the "masters" of Kosovo under NATO command.
That day we made a video of the interview, where Ibraj Musa told us of his extraordinary and incredible life story. When I made him some questions about the present and the recent events concerning the tragic events that happened in the war of Kosovo, he, who despite 85 years of age, was an amazing clarity and vitality, she replied that after having met and fought the Nazi, nothing could scare him, and that as they too were eventually hunted down and wiped away from the people, the same fate will befall the KLA bandits and murderers.
on his experience as commander of these local militias for self-defense (formed in May June 1998), he said,
. ... When I saw what they were doing against our people and force them to go with them and against our friends and countrymen Serbs to drive them from the village that was to all of us, I decided that we had to organize to prevent the KLA from entering the country and terrorizing our people ... I just decided that ... we have always lived together, because the bandits wanted to destroy everything that had been trying to do? To what end? The peoples must live together in peace, honesty and loyalty to each other ... This was the former Yugoslavia .... "The old
Musa was given by his people due to its history of partisan fighting and the respect of which he was surrounded, and considered just and wise man .
When I asked him what was the precise moment that made him so hard and make a decision that would have dramatic consequences for him and his family, he replied: "... one night came to our house and other homes, people 's KLA and told us we should get out and abandon the Osek Hila village because there would be attacks against Serbian police and Yugoslav army in the days following. We refused and the rest of the village, because that was our country and our land. In the following days they returned once again but this time to threaten us. Then the morning I found this piece of notebook paper stuck on the door .... "
Musa showed us that read this leaflet with a ballpoint pen:
" Or are you with us or we will burn your houses. Enlist with your brothers.
KLA (Ushtria Clirimtare and Kosoves)..
"... So we knew what was coming, we collected everything we had as weapons, shotguns, axes, knives and began to watch and not just turn more of us ... we formed patrols of the village 24 hours a day, night and day. A few days later identified three of the KLA who were roaming in the vicinity of the houses, disarmed them and handing them to the police, who gave us permission to keep their weapons and remain armed .... "The eldest son who was with us in the room then lets us see behind the door hung a Kalashnikov rifle and a shotgun, which still possessed.
Asked how it had obtained the weapons for their militia in Kosovo that he said, almost everyone has always had a weapon, Reiterating that "... every weapon of the Militia was ours, we had to have only allowed to hold them legally, the rest were ours .... "These militias were then allowed
throughout Kosovo, to keep the confiscated weapons to the KLA.
" ... We were trying to force them to stay out of the village, looking to avoid armed conflict and violence. In this way our whole village until June '99, there was even a burned house. .. Not even a chicken was injured ... No devastation and destruction has been allowed, either on one side or the other ... ".
" ... Not everyone agreed in the village, as a contrast so sharp, he could expose the village terrorist reprisals, in fact they were established these militias for local self-defense, some of its members were killed by the KLA in other villages, so many were afraid and did not enter directly, but seeing how it went ... we did a good job with good results ... Then came the NATO ... ".
on his situation and his family today, he replied:" ... today we live here as refugees in Serbia, but only refugees without a home and a job, because Serbia is also my country, and increasingly throughout the my life we \u200b\u200blived, as Kosovar Albanians, together. In good as in bad things, and here I do not feel a stranger, but certainly do not feel well, we live in today many in this small house with two small pensions, expenses are many, especially those for health and the rent is a very hard life and difficult. All we are missing our Kosovo, our people, our neighbors, Albanians, Serbs, Roma, with whom we have lived together in peace for over 50 years ... Then there were those damned terrorists of the KLA and did what ... you know, and my family are die-hard, and they took the blood of my children and grandchildren. We are vindicated because we were not accomplices ... damn ... because we have been fairly and properly with our state, in which we have always lived there and had always respected and accepted. Because we had to go with them and destroy everything we had painstakingly built together with others? ... Maybe we were trying to get more and more things, this is normal, it is right. To improve and correct the wrong things, yes ... But why kill, destroy, burn houses, churches, killing between brothers, villagers, friends ... Why should we have become accomplices of terrorists and criminals who terrorized his own people? ... This could not be acceptable to us, we have always been loyal and honest citizens of our country, because we had to become criminals? .. Why? Maybe they had their own goals, interests, profits, someone used them, but those could not be the interests of our people ... and the Kosovo Albanian Then we saw what they did to our Kosovo today, aided by their American friends ... A kingdom ruled by bandits and criminals, where there is only crime and fear, for simple people, for the people ... In our village today, there is only fear and honest people is silent for fear, they tell us their themselves secretly ... why should we have to work with them .... I have been a partisan against the Nazi in World War II, but we were partisans to free our people, not to frighten him and obey. It 's a big difference not you think? ... That will give me the traitor does not affect me, "they" are traitors to our people, because they have brought only hate and suffering for their dirty interests ... ".
After a few seconds of silence and yet another sign of friendship offered to us in sljiva, concluded:
" ... you know, my son, too many tragedies we have experienced so much pain we have in the heart , our lives have been disrupted by injury and all subsequent events, this can no longer change, this will take us to the grave ... and I'm close to my day. But for them that remain need to have confidence and hope that something will change, to come back as soon as righteous, peace, friendship and honesty. I've done it so many wars, but always on the side of the right things. Never for myself, but for our people, our peoples. For this I am calm and I can still smile and I hope that one day we will review a free and fair ... I will not be there, but there will be my grandchildren and their grandchildren and children of our people, and will live, work and have fun together, united as brothers ... You'll see that this will happen ... The story is not nobody can stop it .. But now I want to hold you for the help that you brought us with your association. For me and for our whole family is an honor to have you here in our little house, having been able to accept as friends and brothers. Because now that we ... Thanks for the help, but above all we thank you deserving of your solidarity and we have kept into consideration ... From now on, our home will always be yours too, my son .... "
I think it goes without saying that a pardon without limits, we felt that to tell him and dovergli, our modest financial contribution may not have any kind of comparison with real life and the work of a man's life as well. A righteous man, honest, simple, a man who has a long history and still standing tall, paying the terrible human price, but also a man with we laughed and smiled the little things, with anecdotes of his life. For example, the juice that he had to drink, because his wife left him and his son not to drink the sljivovica ... so I had to, being seated next to him, continuing a string of toast ... even for him, I said, I had to sacrifice ... And I "had to" sacrifice ... .. willingly.
with these lines I do not know if I could remember this man with dignity and history, but two things are certain: one is that for our Association, which could have him as part of its solidarity projects (current), is was an honor to have his friendship and respect (for this, our gratitude goes to Radmila Vulicevic, our representative in Nis, and his work, who have been through, as are members of the family Ibraj Srecna Porodica).
The second is that the hope and commitment that a better time on the horizon of the people in Kosovo, the Balkans and the world, can only occur with the 'contribution and the living example of men like that. Of men like Ibraj Musa, the Kosovo Albanian Kosovo Metohija, city and builder of Yugoslavia, Kosovo and courageous defender of the peoples who lived there, and honest and loyal citizens of Serbia then.
"... You champion of freedom, a stream of enthusiastic youth
or send us a light, a warm rays from your tomb.
It comes to us. Why sentisti ... ... .. the pain, and
as a knight of Ariosto's poem,
offered yourself ... your help. Now ... more
raise your flag and fight For the future, and resist
policy .... "
(Excerpts adapted V. Nazor, Yugoslav poet, a poem dedicated to the Italian partisans who fought against fascism in the former Yugoslav ground)
Enrico Vigna, Yugoslavia SOS - SOS Kosovo Metohija
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Ingredients In Betty Crocker White Cake Mix
"What' we were ..." Alessandro Di Meo
Radmila Todic Vulicevic, "This we were ... "
Diary of a Serbian woman from Kosovo Metohija
Before, during and after the NATO bombing of 1999
Foreword by Sandra Raskovic Ivic - Afterword by Enrico Vigna
The diary of a year earlier bombing, in the days when the KLA is unleashed and where every day to leave the territory at least a Serb family, who can not stand the terror exercised by the Albanian separatists, who can not bear the uncertainty and anxiety about tomorrow. Are the times of suspicion of the sincerity and authenticity of both local politicians and representatives of the international community, which, as visitors to the zoo, took turns and built their own idea and always served the interests of great powers.
have described the destruction of bridges, hospitals, railways, train with passengers on board, columns of refugees. "How do I put a bag in the soul of my house?" Hatred has become
Energy policy of "democratic" New Kosovo ", all former KLA fighters, many of which are involved in criminal activities. Kosovo and Metohija have been "ethnically cleansed" from June of 1999, 250,000 Serbs, Roma and other non-Albanians have left, were seized another 1,000 killed and 1,300 people, destroyed 156 churches, 67 COMESSA vandalizing cemeteries. In Kosovo, only 1,200 Serbs have returned.
Radmila Todic Vulicevic, "This we were ... "
Diary of a Serbian woman from Kosovo Metohija
Before, during and after the NATO bombing of 1999
Foreword by Sandra Raskovic Ivic - Afterword by Enrico Vigna

The diary of a year earlier bombing, in the days when the KLA is unleashed and where every day to leave the territory at least a Serb family, who can not stand the terror exercised by the Albanian separatists, who can not bear the uncertainty and anxiety about tomorrow. Are the times of suspicion of the sincerity and authenticity of both local politicians and representatives of the international community, which, as visitors to the zoo, took turns and built their own idea and always served the interests of great powers.
have described the destruction of bridges, hospitals, railways, train with passengers on board, columns of refugees. "How do I put a bag in the soul of my house?" Hatred has become
Energy policy of "democratic" New Kosovo ", all former KLA fighters, many of which are involved in criminal activities. Kosovo and Metohija have been "ethnically cleansed" from June of 1999, 250,000 Serbs, Roma and other non-Albanians have left, were seized another 1,000 killed and 1,300 people, destroyed 156 churches, 67 COMESSA vandalizing cemeteries. In Kosovo, only 1,200 Serbs have returned.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Linsey Dawn And Her Sister
sfruculiavo few days ago for the web when you meet Alexander. I come to discover a story without end, and I find that my friends also know him already.
And tell me?
Well .. However now I do not know where to start, because Alex is so hot that a person can not find the words.
I'm sure, like me, you will know by the many beautiful things that have written about him.
of his work did not know 'a lot. Teach? It 's a luminary of science?
I know he has written two books and the second is the story of his experience as a volunteer in the ex-Yu and then ....

A review says
"Alexander in this book never speaks of" beneficiaries ", about people with names, faces smiling, crying. It is not only about" them. "It's about whether himself, his emotions, relationships intertwined in years, anger, love, of bitterness and hope. It reminds us that cooperation and exchange is not a gift.
This book, then, that Alexander of Serbia has known through the activities which, together with a group of volunteers has achieved over the years. In fact the Serbs knew that, indeed, better yet, the people who live in Serbia, because Alex is never a question of nation and not yield to that tendency to romantic iconify entire population enrolled in Mass in the armies of "good" or of "bad". People are always at the center of his attention.
not think why this book is less "political."
On the contrary it is from stories that are told that the book is clearly a complaint, no appeal, the aggression of NATO to the (then) Yugoslavia and the responsibility that Italy is set against equity and then, of no interest at all consequences of that war, the first having created hundreds of thousands of refugees and foster a true ethnic cleansing where stated instead of wanting to avoid until the hasty statement of recognition of the unilateral separation of Kosovo, potentially loose cannon heralding further tragedies in the heart of Europe. "

The book is titled A smile for
every tear
"low-altitude flights in a post-war Yugoslavia" - Alessandro Di Meo
A smile for every tear.
It 's the phrase that says Beba mother, because she cried so much for Sanja, the daughter drowned in river. Many smiles, instead of all those tears, all that pain.
A book that is not novel or book of short stories ... he wanted to be gathering stabs, stab ... stomach, liver, eyes, heart of everyone who will read it.
A book, therefore, of low blows.
Because war is bad, always.
Often, we forget that, as we are engrossed in our daily activities, as if they only exist, almost only that they should live.
All, however, we may one day wake up and realize that everything changes and falls into a vortex that will swallow us.
Because war is unfair, does not have codes of ethics, not looking at anyone. And the losers are always the same, the weakest. Among these children.
But just because it is a book where you talk about children, each with its name, each with its own image back to a voice, a gesture, a look at it is, then, a book of smiles.
Why the smile will always win out.
We must force us to think. Even when you cry, though it seems not there be more the reason, you have to smile.
And then, the smile of Beba we continue to believe ...

Alessandro Di Meo Zagarolo and lives and works in Rome. Years involved with the association "Un Ponte per ..." in voluntary work in solidarity with the victims of "permanent war", he was responsible in particular for refugees and displaced persons in the former Yugoslavia. He has already published in the past for Multimage editions, a collection of short stories-complaint against the insidious racism and rampant in our society: "When I chose the place where I was born." Part of the proceeds of the sale of the book will go towards financing the activities of "Un Ponte per ..." in Serbia.
A smile for every tear
Not Kill Refugees
The site of "Bridge to ..."
Lipstick Kiss Tattoo On The Hip
Boys Albanians attacked in Venice
attacked and beaten by a group of people dressed in green. And 'the complaint of two Albanian waiters of a restaurant behind the Piazza San Marco in Venice. The incident, which occurred yesterday and confirmed by the police of Venice, it was announced by the municipal council of the Greens, Beppe Caccia, for which it was a racist attack, as practiced by "militants League squad."
The two waiters, who were injured and seven cured in thirty days and now reserve the right to lodge a complaint with the owner of the restaurant, said they had an argument with one of the four assailants just before the altercation.
it turns out, yesterday at 11.40 Briccola in the Calle Specchieri, came a young man of about thirty, with a visibly drunk and slogans amaglietta leaguers. That suddenly began to beat his fist against the window of the restaurant. At that point one of the waiters, an Albanian, came out to remove him.
In response, they started the insults, "What you c --- or, let me see the permit." At that point the situation has worsened. "They came in 7:00 to 8:00, all members of the League, and the hell has happened - they tell the workers - have knocked down a can of beer, then overturned tables and chairs, smashing half local. We were really scared. "The attack continued with the beating the waiter Albanian. Then the attackers fled and were mixed with the League of protesters gathered nearby.

attacked and beaten by a group of people dressed in green. And 'the complaint of two Albanian waiters of a restaurant behind the Piazza San Marco in Venice. The incident, which occurred yesterday and confirmed by the police of Venice, it was announced by the municipal council of the Greens, Beppe Caccia, for which it was a racist attack, as practiced by "militants League squad."
The two waiters, who were injured and seven cured in thirty days and now reserve the right to lodge a complaint with the owner of the restaurant, said they had an argument with one of the four assailants just before the altercation.
it turns out, yesterday at 11.40 Briccola in the Calle Specchieri, came a young man of about thirty, with a visibly drunk and slogans amaglietta leaguers. That suddenly began to beat his fist against the window of the restaurant. At that point one of the waiters, an Albanian, came out to remove him.
In response, they started the insults, "What you c --- or, let me see the permit." At that point the situation has worsened. "They came in 7:00 to 8:00, all members of the League, and the hell has happened - they tell the workers - have knocked down a can of beer, then overturned tables and chairs, smashing half local. We were really scared. "The attack continued with the beating the waiter Albanian. Then the attackers fled and were mixed with the League of protesters gathered nearby.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Best Way To Remove Biogel
Slavko Labovic
This post I had promised to Lina, when we became friends.
I promised that I would do a post on this Serbian actor who lives in Denmark, however. Lina is a fan of his photo taken in pool, but I would not put it in this post ... but if you look at the videos of all the men of the Balkan-crew .... you'll see Lina that he slipped them ...... LIINAAA!!
Slavko Labovic was born in 1963 in Kolasin in Montenegro Serbian parents. When she was 4 years with his mother and brothers left Kolasin to join his father who lived in Ballerup, Denmark.
In 1996 he debuted in the film "Pusher", a trilogy of films "gangster" who is seen as the answer to Pulp Fiction Denmark. This not only has made him known throughout Denmark, but also made it a popular type of role neil film: that of the evil Serb!
In 2001 he played a part in my favorite movie (I know, you always break the boxes with this movie!) "Apsolutnih 100", which again is a teppsita, really bad and rude!
Slavko has three children and still lives in Ballerup near his parents. In his free time acting as president of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Denmark and is also president of the Serbs in Denmark.
It takes up much of the Serbian diaspora in Denmark, in fact, after the proclamation of independence by Kosovo in February 2008, he organized a protest demonstration in front of the American Embassy in Copenhagen.
In 2001 in an interview with Glas Javnosti, Slavko demonstrated his support for Radovan Karadzic and decided to launch a campaign to protect him, saying: "Radovan is not afraid of anyone, because he knows that there are true patriots who are ready to protect him until death "
( here Article in Serbian)
NB: Karadzic is a native of Petnjica, a village in northern Montenegro, which is in the area where the village of Kolasin is Slavko. Here a movie that runs for Montenegro Slavko (in Danish), explaining a bit 'his motivation for this .... now I will try to make me someone who speaks Danish translation .....
All the men of the Balkan-crew!
Vojvoda Mileta Pavicevic
Pusher III

I promised that I would do a post on this Serbian actor who lives in Denmark, however. Lina is a fan of his photo taken in pool, but I would not put it in this post ... but if you look at the videos of all the men of the Balkan-crew .... you'll see Lina that he slipped them ...... LIINAAA!!
Slavko Labovic was born in 1963 in Kolasin in Montenegro Serbian parents. When she was 4 years with his mother and brothers left Kolasin to join his father who lived in Ballerup, Denmark.
In 1996 he debuted in the film "Pusher", a trilogy of films "gangster" who is seen as the answer to Pulp Fiction Denmark. This not only has made him known throughout Denmark, but also made it a popular type of role neil film: that of the evil Serb!

In 2001 he played a part in my favorite movie (I know, you always break the boxes with this movie!) "Apsolutnih 100", which again is a teppsita, really bad and rude!

Slavko has three children and still lives in Ballerup near his parents. In his free time acting as president of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Denmark and is also president of the Serbs in Denmark.
It takes up much of the Serbian diaspora in Denmark, in fact, after the proclamation of independence by Kosovo in February 2008, he organized a protest demonstration in front of the American Embassy in Copenhagen.

In 2001 in an interview with Glas Javnosti, Slavko demonstrated his support for Radovan Karadzic and decided to launch a campaign to protect him, saying: "Radovan is not afraid of anyone, because he knows that there are true patriots who are ready to protect him until death "
( here Article in Serbian)
NB: Karadzic is a native of Petnjica, a village in northern Montenegro, which is in the area where the village of Kolasin is Slavko. Here a movie that runs for Montenegro Slavko (in Danish), explaining a bit 'his motivation for this .... now I will try to make me someone who speaks Danish translation .....

All the men of the Balkan-crew!
Vojvoda Mileta Pavicevic
Pusher III
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Last Level In Cube Field
Gnjilane ... the tragedy continues
August 19, 2009 - In a report (pdf in English ed) on a series of recent attacks in Gnjilane, eastern Kosovo, which could have ethnic reasons, the human rights organization Chachipe expressed his concern over the quality and objectivity of the reports ethnically motivated crimes against Roma in Kosovo. During the last weeks of July, many Roma are reported to have suffered assaults and abuse by Albanian Roma neighbors in the upscale neighborhood of Gnjilane, without which it would be properly monitored and reported by international organizations.
Following reports about a violent incident in which many Roma were injured, Chachipe conducted a survey among international organizations in order to identify the background and size of the accident. Although the incident reported on several days, none of the organizations contacted, including UNMIK, EULEX, OECD, and the UNHCR, said he had knowledge. But even after having read their local offices, the organizations have not been able or wanted to inform Chachipe event.
"The information we received were quite rudimentary. They went from a list of police reports, referring to apparently minor incidents as "disputes" and theft, to emphasize that the security situation for Roma has recently deteriorated, and a complaint that the police had not properly reported on ' assault on the Roma, said Chachipe.
The image changed dramatically following a TV report broadcast last Thursday by Yekhipe, the Romany of the public TV program in Kosovo. The journalists visited the Roma neighborhood Yekhipe and interviewed several victims and witnesses. Their relationship appears to have happened in Gnjilane a number of serious incidents, during which many Roma were attacked and suffered abuse, for no other apparent reason than hatred.
Speaking to reporters, the Roma complained that the situation in Gnjilane has recently deteriorated, coinciding with the arrival of ethnic Albanians in the Roma neighborhood. One of the witnesses added that the attacks were organized and coordinated. All claim that the Roma community members are regularly attacked or suffer verbal abuse, and have expressed serious fears about their safety.
also apparent from their statements that their confidence in the police is very limited. Of the six cases occurred in July, only three were reported to the police. The journalists interviewed Yekhipe a local police officer who has qualified two cases have been reported as a simple neighborhood conflicts and suggested that the other would be connected to "open accounts" in the world black market, thus disqualifying the victims.
Chachipe said that with this background, it is difficult to understand the passivity and lack of concern arising from the reactions of the international organizations in its survey. The organization said that one role of international security forces was to protect and promote human rights, and that organizations have an explicit mandate to monitor the situation. Chachipe said she was concerned that the EU police seem to have very little information on the situation of the Roma quarter of Gnjilane.
Chachipe highlighted the consequences of violence are not reported and ethnically motivated discrimination against the Roma, for Roma in Kosovo for refugees and asylum seekers abroad. "As appears from the recent incidents of Gnjilane, which confirmed the concerns that we had received previously, the Roma in Kosovo have no where to return if they feel threatened. Those who have left Kosovo have big problems to show the risks they are exposed to in case of return. "
Chachipe criticized the decision of several western European countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Austria, to forcibly repatriate the Roma on the basis of an assessment of the security situation unique and incomplete. "It appears that the recent report to UNMIK UN Security Council is essentially based on police reports, while UNMIK itself acknowledges that ethnic minorities have no confidence in turning to the police, "says Chachipe.
Chachipe drew international organizations to seek immediately to dilute the tensions in the Roma neighborhood of Gnjilane and solve problems that are apparently linked to the return process. It also requires a thorough investigation about the background of recent attacks against Roma, as well as a monitoring and an unbiased and objective guide the security situation in Kosovo. Chachipe finally calls for governments and host countries to rethink the forced repatriation of Roma to Kosovo, as long as the security situation remains fragile, and to ensure that refugees who are in foreign countries for a long time, a permanent resident status.
asbl BP 97 L
- 7201 Bereldange
e-mail: @ gmail.com chachipe.info
August 19, 2009 - In a report (pdf in English ed) on a series of recent attacks in Gnjilane, eastern Kosovo, which could have ethnic reasons, the human rights organization Chachipe expressed his concern over the quality and objectivity of the reports ethnically motivated crimes against Roma in Kosovo. During the last weeks of July, many Roma are reported to have suffered assaults and abuse by Albanian Roma neighbors in the upscale neighborhood of Gnjilane, without which it would be properly monitored and reported by international organizations.
Following reports about a violent incident in which many Roma were injured, Chachipe conducted a survey among international organizations in order to identify the background and size of the accident. Although the incident reported on several days, none of the organizations contacted, including UNMIK, EULEX, OECD, and the UNHCR, said he had knowledge. But even after having read their local offices, the organizations have not been able or wanted to inform Chachipe event.
"The information we received were quite rudimentary. They went from a list of police reports, referring to apparently minor incidents as "disputes" and theft, to emphasize that the security situation for Roma has recently deteriorated, and a complaint that the police had not properly reported on ' assault on the Roma, said Chachipe.
The image changed dramatically following a TV report broadcast last Thursday by Yekhipe, the Romany of the public TV program in Kosovo. The journalists visited the Roma neighborhood Yekhipe and interviewed several victims and witnesses. Their relationship appears to have happened in Gnjilane a number of serious incidents, during which many Roma were attacked and suffered abuse, for no other apparent reason than hatred.
Speaking to reporters, the Roma complained that the situation in Gnjilane has recently deteriorated, coinciding with the arrival of ethnic Albanians in the Roma neighborhood. One of the witnesses added that the attacks were organized and coordinated. All claim that the Roma community members are regularly attacked or suffer verbal abuse, and have expressed serious fears about their safety.
also apparent from their statements that their confidence in the police is very limited. Of the six cases occurred in July, only three were reported to the police. The journalists interviewed Yekhipe a local police officer who has qualified two cases have been reported as a simple neighborhood conflicts and suggested that the other would be connected to "open accounts" in the world black market, thus disqualifying the victims.
Chachipe said that with this background, it is difficult to understand the passivity and lack of concern arising from the reactions of the international organizations in its survey. The organization said that one role of international security forces was to protect and promote human rights, and that organizations have an explicit mandate to monitor the situation. Chachipe said she was concerned that the EU police seem to have very little information on the situation of the Roma quarter of Gnjilane.
Chachipe highlighted the consequences of violence are not reported and ethnically motivated discrimination against the Roma, for Roma in Kosovo for refugees and asylum seekers abroad. "As appears from the recent incidents of Gnjilane, which confirmed the concerns that we had received previously, the Roma in Kosovo have no where to return if they feel threatened. Those who have left Kosovo have big problems to show the risks they are exposed to in case of return. "
Chachipe criticized the decision of several western European countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Austria, to forcibly repatriate the Roma on the basis of an assessment of the security situation unique and incomplete. "It appears that the recent report to UNMIK UN Security Council is essentially based on police reports, while UNMIK itself acknowledges that ethnic minorities have no confidence in turning to the police, "says Chachipe.
Chachipe drew international organizations to seek immediately to dilute the tensions in the Roma neighborhood of Gnjilane and solve problems that are apparently linked to the return process. It also requires a thorough investigation about the background of recent attacks against Roma, as well as a monitoring and an unbiased and objective guide the security situation in Kosovo. Chachipe finally calls for governments and host countries to rethink the forced repatriation of Roma to Kosovo, as long as the security situation remains fragile, and to ensure that refugees who are in foreign countries for a long time, a permanent resident status.
asbl BP 97 L
- 7201 Bereldange
e-mail: @ gmail.com chachipe.info
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Naturally Rid Of Kidney Cysts
Inno di Mameli (fans)
In face book I joined this wonderful group!
Inno di Mameli or The Song of the Italians
Written in the autumn of 1847
text Goffredo Mameli - music by Michele Novaro
Italy has awoken, with Scipio's helmet
s 'is bound her head.
Where's the victory?
Let her bow down,
slave of Rome
that God has made.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called!
We were for centuries Downtrodden and derided,
we are not one people,
we are divided.
Let one flag, one hope: to be unified
time already played.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called!
Let us unite and love one another, unity and love
Show the people the ways of the Lord.
swear to free Our native soil
united under God,
Who can defeat us?
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called! From the Alps to Sicily
Legnano is everywhere, Ferruccio
Every man has the heart, has a hand
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each rings
the Vespers.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called! Son
that drunk
swords sold:
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy,
the Polish blood
drank, along with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
death. We are ready
Italy has called!
Yes (sung) is a
' Mameli's hymn text analysis in order to understand the various references unclear:
Brothers of Italy / Italy has awakened (1st) / the helmet of Scipio / She has bound her head ( 1b) /
Where's the victory? / Let her bow down (2) / slave of Rome / God has made.
in cohort (3) / Ready to die, / We are ready to die (4) / Italy
called We for centuries (4th) / downtrodden and derided, for they are not one nation, we are divided. / Gather a ' one flag / one hope, / us together / Even the hour has struck.
Let us unite ...
Let us unite, join / union and the love / Reveal to peoples / The ways of God (5) /
swear to free / The native soil / United for God (6) / Who can defeat us?
Let us unite ...
From the Alps to Sicily / Legnano is everywhere, (7) / Every man Ferruccio (8) / He has the heart and hand /
The children of Italy / Are called Balilla (9) / The sound of 'Every trumpet / the Vespers (10).
Let us unite ...
Son rushes, that bend, / swords sold (11). / Yes the eagle of Austria (12) / Has lost his plumes /
The blood of Italy / Blood Polish (13) / She drank with the Cossack / But my heart burned it.
Let us unite ...
(first) Italian brothers of a same country. In the original manuscript, the words "Brothers of Italy" does not appear. It was written instead of "Long live Italy".
(1b) The culture of Mameli is classic and is strong in him the call to Romania. Italy, now ready for war against Austria, it surrounds the head, figuratively, (She has bound her head) with the helmet of the heroic Roman general Publius Cornelius Scipio, later known as the African, (Scipio) and in 202 BC defeated the Carthaginian general Hannibal in the famous battle of Zama (in today's Algeria), thus redeeming the earlier defeat of Cannae and concluding the Second Punic War. After the defeat, Carthage signed the peace treaty with Rome in order to avoid total destruction.
(2) Here the poet refers to the ancient practice of cutting their hair to distinguish them from slaves to free women who wore long hair instead. Therefore, the Victory has to give the hair is cut because the slave of Rome which always victorious.
(3) The cohort cohors, was a combat unit of the Roman army, a tenth of a legion; nothing to do with the court.
(4) Here all shaking his wrists, others luck, but it is worth remembering that the author was consistent with his words.
(4th) Mameli underlines the fact that Italy is not united. At that time indeed (1848) was still divided into seven states.
(5) To tell the truth you could see in these verses a Democrat sentiment ahead of its time, but is known to the religiosity of Mazzini, Marx often mocked for this by the nickname of Teopompo.
(6) The verse "united under God" appears in some versions as "United with God," not to be confused with the popular expression and almost blasphemous "for God" is still used in vernacular Italian. In the poem, however, the line is derived from French that means "God" or "through God."
(7) That is the battle of Legnano on 29 May 1176, in which the Italian towns alloyed and led by Alberto da Giussano defeated Barbarossa.
(8) In this verse, Mameli traces six centuries of struggle against foreign domination. First, the Battle of Legnano, 1176, in which the Lombard League defeated Barbarossa (Legnano is everywhere). Then, the ultimate defense of the Republic of Florence, which was besieged by the imperial army of Charles V in 1530, which was a symbol of the inspector general of the war of the Florentine Republic, Francesco Ferrucci (Ferruccio Every man has his heart and hand) . Ten days before the capitulation of Florence (August 2) he had defeated the enemy troops in Gavinana. In Florence he was wounded, captured and killed by Fabrizio Maramaldo (captain of the imperial army), an Italian in the pay of foreigners, who directs the words of infamy have become famous, "You kill a dead man."
(9) The "Fascists" are not covered in the statement as "Balilla" is the nickname of Giambattista Perasso, the Genoese boy of fourteen, that with the launch of a stone, began the revolt of Genoa against the Austro Piedmont December 5, 1746.
(10) Each ring means "every bell." On the evening of March 30, 1282, all the bells called the people Palermo insurrection against the French of Charles of Anjou, the Sicilian Vespers.
(flush them out for him from seeing the chickpeas and asked: What are these? And they, not knowing how to pronounce the "c" Sweet said, "sesi", and the Sicilians down barrel!)
(11) The employment of mercenaries .
(12) The double-headed eagle, symbol of the Habsburgs.
(12) - (13) Austria was in decline (the swords are sold the mercenaries, as weak reeds) and the Mameli strongly emphasized: this stanza, in fact, was originally censored by the government of Piedmont. Together with Russia (the Cossack), Austria had cruelly dismembered Poland. But the blood of two oppressed peoples becomes poison, who slays the heart of the black eagle of the Habsburgs.
HELP, share and spread this message. THANKS!
In face book I joined this wonderful group!
Inno di Mameli or The Song of the Italians
Written in the autumn of 1847
text Goffredo Mameli - music by Michele Novaro
Italy has awoken, with Scipio's helmet
s 'is bound her head.
Where's the victory?
Let her bow down,
slave of Rome
that God has made.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called!
We were for centuries Downtrodden and derided,
we are not one people,
we are divided.
Let one flag, one hope: to be unified
time already played.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called!
Let us unite and love one another, unity and love
Show the people the ways of the Lord.
swear to free Our native soil
united under God,
Who can defeat us?
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called! From the Alps to Sicily
Legnano is everywhere, Ferruccio
Every man has the heart, has a hand
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each rings
the Vespers.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy has called! Son
that drunk
swords sold:
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy,
the Polish blood
drank, along with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die, he called
in cohort, We are ready to
death. We are ready
Italy has called!
Yes (sung) is a
' Mameli's hymn text analysis in order to understand the various references unclear:
Brothers of Italy / Italy has awakened (1st) / the helmet of Scipio / She has bound her head ( 1b) /
Where's the victory? / Let her bow down (2) / slave of Rome / God has made.
in cohort (3) / Ready to die, / We are ready to die (4) / Italy
called We for centuries (4th) / downtrodden and derided, for they are not one nation, we are divided. / Gather a ' one flag / one hope, / us together / Even the hour has struck.
Let us unite ...
Let us unite, join / union and the love / Reveal to peoples / The ways of God (5) /
swear to free / The native soil / United for God (6) / Who can defeat us?
Let us unite ...
From the Alps to Sicily / Legnano is everywhere, (7) / Every man Ferruccio (8) / He has the heart and hand /
The children of Italy / Are called Balilla (9) / The sound of 'Every trumpet / the Vespers (10).
Let us unite ...
Son rushes, that bend, / swords sold (11). / Yes the eagle of Austria (12) / Has lost his plumes /
The blood of Italy / Blood Polish (13) / She drank with the Cossack / But my heart burned it.
Let us unite ...
(first) Italian brothers of a same country. In the original manuscript, the words "Brothers of Italy" does not appear. It was written instead of "Long live Italy".
(1b) The culture of Mameli is classic and is strong in him the call to Romania. Italy, now ready for war against Austria, it surrounds the head, figuratively, (She has bound her head) with the helmet of the heroic Roman general Publius Cornelius Scipio, later known as the African, (Scipio) and in 202 BC defeated the Carthaginian general Hannibal in the famous battle of Zama (in today's Algeria), thus redeeming the earlier defeat of Cannae and concluding the Second Punic War. After the defeat, Carthage signed the peace treaty with Rome in order to avoid total destruction.
(2) Here the poet refers to the ancient practice of cutting their hair to distinguish them from slaves to free women who wore long hair instead. Therefore, the Victory has to give the hair is cut because the slave of Rome which always victorious.
(3) The cohort cohors, was a combat unit of the Roman army, a tenth of a legion; nothing to do with the court.
(4) Here all shaking his wrists, others luck, but it is worth remembering that the author was consistent with his words.
(4th) Mameli underlines the fact that Italy is not united. At that time indeed (1848) was still divided into seven states.
(5) To tell the truth you could see in these verses a Democrat sentiment ahead of its time, but is known to the religiosity of Mazzini, Marx often mocked for this by the nickname of Teopompo.
(6) The verse "united under God" appears in some versions as "United with God," not to be confused with the popular expression and almost blasphemous "for God" is still used in vernacular Italian. In the poem, however, the line is derived from French that means "God" or "through God."
(7) That is the battle of Legnano on 29 May 1176, in which the Italian towns alloyed and led by Alberto da Giussano defeated Barbarossa.
(8) In this verse, Mameli traces six centuries of struggle against foreign domination. First, the Battle of Legnano, 1176, in which the Lombard League defeated Barbarossa (Legnano is everywhere). Then, the ultimate defense of the Republic of Florence, which was besieged by the imperial army of Charles V in 1530, which was a symbol of the inspector general of the war of the Florentine Republic, Francesco Ferrucci (Ferruccio Every man has his heart and hand) . Ten days before the capitulation of Florence (August 2) he had defeated the enemy troops in Gavinana. In Florence he was wounded, captured and killed by Fabrizio Maramaldo (captain of the imperial army), an Italian in the pay of foreigners, who directs the words of infamy have become famous, "You kill a dead man."
(9) The "Fascists" are not covered in the statement as "Balilla" is the nickname of Giambattista Perasso, the Genoese boy of fourteen, that with the launch of a stone, began the revolt of Genoa against the Austro Piedmont December 5, 1746.
(10) Each ring means "every bell." On the evening of March 30, 1282, all the bells called the people Palermo insurrection against the French of Charles of Anjou, the Sicilian Vespers.
(flush them out for him from seeing the chickpeas and asked: What are these? And they, not knowing how to pronounce the "c" Sweet said, "sesi", and the Sicilians down barrel!)
(11) The employment of mercenaries .
(12) The double-headed eagle, symbol of the Habsburgs.
(12) - (13) Austria was in decline (the swords are sold the mercenaries, as weak reeds) and the Mameli strongly emphasized: this stanza, in fact, was originally censored by the government of Piedmont. Together with Russia (the Cossack), Austria had cruelly dismembered Poland. But the blood of two oppressed peoples becomes poison, who slays the heart of the black eagle of the Habsburgs.
HELP, share and spread this message. THANKS!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Worst Genital Tattoos
Nemanja and Kosovo (tri) Any criminal
This is the last part of my diary in Kosmet (Kosovo and Metohija) and continues from here.
Entrance to the Monastery of Zociste 14.secolo, near the town of the same name, which is about 5 km from Orahovac.
Monastery Zociste
the summer of 1999, after the arrival of KFOR, the KLA terrorists have attacked the monastery and set fire to the monks and nuns have been saved 'last time.
In 2004 the church was rebuilt, and to rebuild it, they reused the same stones, adding new ones.
strettisima The monastery is now under supervision of KFOR, as it is completely isolated in an area entirely Albanian. This sacred place is often visited by Muslim Albanians.
graves destroyed by terrorists
Velika Hoca
Case Serb village in Metohija typical Velika Hoca.
Velika Hoca is a beautiful place and culturally important with 12 churches in the 12th, 14th and 16th century. Is also known as millet wine is produced Metohija.
In 1999, about 2,000 Serbs living there, now there are only 700.
very hospitable people received us with great affection.
The church of Santo Stefano, one of 12 churches.
A map with the most important monasteries of Kosmetica which are about 1,500 to 10,000 km.
Nearby are all the coats of arms of the military forces which have protected the church from 1999 until now.
The monastery near Velika Hoca.
View from the monastery.
Entering Orahovac, we encounter a large group of Albanians. Here our driver reflects on what to do. We decide to pass the same ....
Orahovac is a large Serb enclave. At the top of the 1,300 Serbs live in town (in 1999 was 4,000).
The Serbs are mostly refugees in northern Serbia.
Today the town is dirty and disorganized, and full of new mosques, many of these new mosques belong to Wahhabies (extremist Islamic sect)
One of the new mosques. Although this is a bit 'particular: the ground floor we have a boutique collogato .... :-)
View Orahovac
Here we are in the southernmost part of Kosmetica which borders with Albania and the Republic of Macedonia. You can see the beautiful mountains of Pastrik and Sharr that dominate the landscape of the entire Kosmetica.
Prizren, the city of Tsar Dusan, was once the capital of Serbia. The churches and monasteries do not seem to want to give the medieval splendor of the past and the bad and isignificanti development of the Albanians that have arisen in the last 10 years.
The area around the river Bistrica "overlooking the fortress" Kaljaja "of Tsar Dusan.
In 1999, 10,000 Serbs lived in Prizren, and today there are only 200. But not only the Serbs have fled from Prizren, even Gorani, Slavic Muslims and Roma.
Many of them had to take refuge in central Serbia. If you were at 40,000 in 1999 now there are only about half.
Again this ridiculous way to show a stupid username Albanian gratitude to America and try to rewrite history!
A few miles on the road to Prizren Brezovica you arrive at the monastery of the archangel .
Tsar Dusan built the monastery in the 14th century and was buried here. In 17.esimo century during the Turkish occupancy, was destroyed (like many other monasteries) by the Turks. They stole the stones to build the mosque, "Sinan Pasa" in the center of Prizren. In 1998 the monastery was rebuilt and it worked again when, not even a year later, in 1999 he was sacked by the terrorists of the KLA. As soon as he recovered a funzionaemnto normal here in 2004, the pogrom of March, the monastery and Sato attacked again. This time, however, by young vandals civil Prizren.
Now the monastery is under KFOR Germanic protector.
It comes only after checks and identification
The picturesque road Brezovica
One of the most beautiful mosques in the Kosmetica is "Sinan Pasa."
What do you think now of my trip?
inanza everything I broke the ice with all the fears I had to go to Kosmetica. Now I have the desire to return as soon as possible.
With all the true and false information that I had heard about this area did not know who to listen. Now I could see with my eyes and I have made a clearer picture of the situation and I can confirm that my thoughts I had before leaving was unfortunately true. The
Kosmetica was and remains Serbian Serbian. Nemanja

Entrance to the Monastery of Zociste 14.secolo, near the town of the same name, which is about 5 km from Orahovac.
Monastery Zociste

In 2004 the church was rebuilt, and to rebuild it, they reused the same stones, adding new ones.
strettisima The monastery is now under supervision of KFOR, as it is completely isolated in an area entirely Albanian. This sacred place is often visited by Muslim Albanians.

Velika Hoca

Case Serb village in Metohija typical Velika Hoca.

Velika Hoca is a beautiful place and culturally important with 12 churches in the 12th, 14th and 16th century. Is also known as millet wine is produced Metohija.
In 1999, about 2,000 Serbs living there, now there are only 700.

very hospitable people received us with great affection.

Nearby are all the coats of arms of the military forces which have protected the church from 1999 until now.


Entering Orahovac, we encounter a large group of Albanians. Here our driver reflects on what to do. We decide to pass the same ....

The Serbs are mostly refugees in northern Serbia.
Today the town is dirty and disorganized, and full of new mosques, many of these new mosques belong to Wahhabies (extremist Islamic sect)
One of the new mosques. Although this is a bit 'particular: the ground floor we have a boutique collogato .... :-)


Prizren, the city of Tsar Dusan, was once the capital of Serbia. The churches and monasteries do not seem to want to give the medieval splendor of the past and the bad and isignificanti development of the Albanians that have arisen in the last 10 years.

The area around the river Bistrica "overlooking the fortress" Kaljaja "of Tsar Dusan.
In 1999, 10,000 Serbs lived in Prizren, and today there are only 200. But not only the Serbs have fled from Prizren, even Gorani, Slavic Muslims and Roma.
Many of them had to take refuge in central Serbia. If you were at 40,000 in 1999 now there are only about half.

Again this ridiculous way to show a stupid username Albanian gratitude to America and try to rewrite history!

A few miles on the road to Prizren Brezovica you arrive at the monastery of the archangel .
Tsar Dusan built the monastery in the 14th century and was buried here. In 17.esimo century during the Turkish occupancy, was destroyed (like many other monasteries) by the Turks. They stole the stones to build the mosque, "Sinan Pasa" in the center of Prizren. In 1998 the monastery was rebuilt and it worked again when, not even a year later, in 1999 he was sacked by the terrorists of the KLA. As soon as he recovered a funzionaemnto normal here in 2004, the pogrom of March, the monastery and Sato attacked again. This time, however, by young vandals civil Prizren.

Now the monastery is under KFOR Germanic protector.

It comes only after checks and identification

The picturesque road Brezovica

What do you think now of my trip?
inanza everything I broke the ice with all the fears I had to go to Kosmetica. Now I have the desire to return as soon as possible.
With all the true and false information that I had heard about this area did not know who to listen. Now I could see with my eyes and I have made a clearer picture of the situation and I can confirm that my thoughts I had before leaving was unfortunately true. The
Kosmetica was and remains Serbian Serbian. Nemanja
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Slogan For Healthy Eating
have to be Serbian? Nemanja
ANSA) - Rimini, 11 LUG - was a model immigrant, father, employee honesty and integrity, but his past was a shadow disturbing. Muharem Gashi, Serbs 36 years who was a truck driver in Bellaria (Rimini), and 'at home accused of war crimes charges for which he risks 40 years in prison for a house raid in Kosovo made in 1999 when was an officer in the KLA. The Court of Appeal in Bologna decide 'extradition. The rest of the pug
SERBIAN Trucker is arrested for war crimes in Kosovo
E 'in Italy for years and is considered a model worker, but his past, the' chase '. The man was struck by an international arrest warrant now the Court of Appeal will have to decide on extradition
Rimini July 11, 2009. Does the truck driver in Bellaria, and is considered a model worker, but is accused of war crimes in Kosovo, and for this country now faces 40 years in prison.
a Serb 36 years, MG, was arrested by Immigration Police in Rimini, in collaboration with Interpol, ran the international arrest warrant issued by the court in Belgrade. Now the man is available to the Court of Appeal of Bologna, which must decide on extradition.
The truck driver was part of the Serbian army, then in 1999 he 'enlisted as a volunteer nell'Uck, the Kosovo Liberation Army, and to whom' then became an officer, then went in TMK, the civil protection discussed Kosovo, where guerrillas have been fed a lot, and became its captain.
Ten years ago, along with other KLA leaders, the man carried out a raid in a house in Klina, in Kosovo was not to shoot him, but the owner of the house came with a shot to the head. The man then came in Italy, probably for 'free' from his past that uncomfortable but continued to seek international justice.
12:07:09 Bellaria (RN): truck driver arrested for war crimes
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Muharem Gashi, SERB 36 year old truck driver, Bellaria resident, was arrested by Immigration Police in Rimini. In
on a heavy accusation against: war crimes against the civilian population, which may charge for 40 years in prison. The Police
Rimini, in collaboration with Interpol, ran the international arrest warrant issued by the court in Belgrade.
When, in 1999, was an officer in the KLA, the Kosovo Liberation Army (paramilitary and terrorist activity), Gashi - along with others - was involved in a raid in a house in Kosovo, during which the owner was killed and other people were injured.
Now the 36-year old is available to the Court of Appeal of Bologna, which will whether there are grounds to extradite.
news agency ANSA Italian state claims to be "Serbian" a Kosovo Albanian war criminal, former fighter in the KLA terrorist squads.
The name leaves no doubt: Muharem Gashi. Serbian is not it 'as it' last names. This is not the traditional "gaffe" journalism that every time an inhabitant of the Balkans is blamed for a fact that crime news is written and "slave": here is presented as "Serbian" Albanian nationalist who has fought a terrorist war against Serbia and the Serbs.
Many media have taken up the dispatch liar NSA, including television news - for example the tg3 region of Emilia-Romagna to 19:30 Saturday, July 9 - Not correct. Or rather, some particularly zealous journalist added that this gentleman has "been part of the Serbian Army" before 1999. But the only "Serbian Army" that existed in those years was the JNA - Yugoslav People's Army, known to be composed of soldiers of all nations and nationalities of Yugoslavia, including Kosovo Albanians. The ANSA
committed an incredible error, due to gross ignorance, or persists in the glossy campaign of racial hatred antiserbo conducted consistently in all these years to break up Yugoslavia first, then Serbia, and allow the colonial occupation of the territory of Kosovo by Western troops, since the allied bombing in 1999 with the pan-Albanian KLA terrorists?
(eds AM reported by AT. On the methods used by the KLA to wrest Kosovo multinational which belonged to the country, establishing a system of apartheid under the auspices of NATO, see for example: http://www. cnj.it/documentazione/ORRORI/orrore8.htm)
Source: International Coordination Jogoslavia
ANSA) - Rimini, 11 LUG - was a model immigrant, father, employee honesty and integrity, but his past was a shadow disturbing. Muharem Gashi, Serbs 36 years who was a truck driver in Bellaria (Rimini), and 'at home accused of war crimes charges for which he risks 40 years in prison for a house raid in Kosovo made in 1999 when was an officer in the KLA. The Court of Appeal in Bologna decide 'extradition. The rest of the pug
SERBIAN Trucker is arrested for war crimes in Kosovo
E 'in Italy for years and is considered a model worker, but his past, the' chase '. The man was struck by an international arrest warrant now the Court of Appeal will have to decide on extradition
Rimini July 11, 2009. Does the truck driver in Bellaria, and is considered a model worker, but is accused of war crimes in Kosovo, and for this country now faces 40 years in prison.
a Serb 36 years, MG, was arrested by Immigration Police in Rimini, in collaboration with Interpol, ran the international arrest warrant issued by the court in Belgrade. Now the man is available to the Court of Appeal of Bologna, which must decide on extradition.
The truck driver was part of the Serbian army, then in 1999 he 'enlisted as a volunteer nell'Uck, the Kosovo Liberation Army, and to whom' then became an officer, then went in TMK, the civil protection discussed Kosovo, where guerrillas have been fed a lot, and became its captain.
Ten years ago, along with other KLA leaders, the man carried out a raid in a house in Klina, in Kosovo was not to shoot him, but the owner of the house came with a shot to the head. The man then came in Italy, probably for 'free' from his past that uncomfortable but continued to seek international justice.
12:07:09 Bellaria (RN): truck driver arrested for war crimes
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Muharem Gashi, SERB 36 year old truck driver, Bellaria resident, was arrested by Immigration Police in Rimini. In
on a heavy accusation against: war crimes against the civilian population, which may charge for 40 years in prison. The Police
Rimini, in collaboration with Interpol, ran the international arrest warrant issued by the court in Belgrade.
When, in 1999, was an officer in the KLA, the Kosovo Liberation Army (paramilitary and terrorist activity), Gashi - along with others - was involved in a raid in a house in Kosovo, during which the owner was killed and other people were injured.
Now the 36-year old is available to the Court of Appeal of Bologna, which will whether there are grounds to extradite.
news agency ANSA Italian state claims to be "Serbian" a Kosovo Albanian war criminal, former fighter in the KLA terrorist squads.
The name leaves no doubt: Muharem Gashi. Serbian is not it 'as it' last names. This is not the traditional "gaffe" journalism that every time an inhabitant of the Balkans is blamed for a fact that crime news is written and "slave": here is presented as "Serbian" Albanian nationalist who has fought a terrorist war against Serbia and the Serbs.
Many media have taken up the dispatch liar NSA, including television news - for example the tg3 region of Emilia-Romagna to 19:30 Saturday, July 9 - Not correct. Or rather, some particularly zealous journalist added that this gentleman has "been part of the Serbian Army" before 1999. But the only "Serbian Army" that existed in those years was the JNA - Yugoslav People's Army, known to be composed of soldiers of all nations and nationalities of Yugoslavia, including Kosovo Albanians. The ANSA
committed an incredible error, due to gross ignorance, or persists in the glossy campaign of racial hatred antiserbo conducted consistently in all these years to break up Yugoslavia first, then Serbia, and allow the colonial occupation of the territory of Kosovo by Western troops, since the allied bombing in 1999 with the pan-Albanian KLA terrorists?
(eds AM reported by AT. On the methods used by the KLA to wrest Kosovo multinational which belonged to the country, establishing a system of apartheid under the auspices of NATO, see for example: http://www. cnj.it/documentazione/ORRORI/orrore8.htm)
Source: International Coordination Jogoslavia
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I'm A Mad Dog Biting Myself For Sympathy Text
and Kosovo (DVA) as a magnet to
Here is the second part of my diary from Kosovo and Metohija (Kosmet). (The first part is here ).
Journey from Kosovska Mitrovica to Orahovac.
The journey from Kosovska Mitrovica to Orahovac was one of the most frightening of my espereineza in Kosmet. Immediately after crossing the bridge that separates the northern part of K. Mitrovica (Serbian part) from the south (Albanian part) we see houses, villages and places Serbs burned. On the stage, where not so long ago, in some places, the population was in majority Serb , now there is not even one more.
Let Serbian churches and cemeteries blown up by mines or fire and destroyed by Albanians. Next to them a string of ugly and insignificant Construction type gas stations, hotels, mosques and monuments of the terrorists of the KLA or huge mansions built by the Albanians over the past 10 years certainly does not create a rare combination.
One of the mosques built recently. Of these there are really everywhere, but still nothing REPRESENTATION it as a historian, are of architectural importance.
One of the many "monuments" of terror.
All these Serb homes burnt and ruined me create feelings of dismay and fear.
Do you think this power plant near Obilic until 1999 was the largest in the central Kosmetica and producing enough electricity for the entire province. Today, in the hands of "experts" Albanian produces just 10%. So I needed electric current restrictions that leave areas for hours or even for days without electricity. And that is something a bit 'intentional and serves as a political tool to put pressure on people to take heed or internationally.
Wishing you could not only produce energy for the entire Kosmetica, even if they could export.
The entrance to Pristina, the city where they lived until in 1999, 40,000 Serbs and 10,000 Roma. After the ethnic cleansing by the Albanians, with strong support from the United States and NATO countries, today we still live just a few thousand Serbs and Roma 1000.
And here also a demonstration to show a stupid tacky gratituddine the United States: a replica of the Statue of Liberty! (Price is still to be seen that the Albanians will have to pay the U.S. for the help!)
Throughout the trip, I tried to find signs of cultural and historical Albanians, to understand what Kosmetica Albanian heritage. But more than new construction such as these, new mosques, palaces, monuments to terrorists and insignificant I found.
These buildings were built in the last 10 years, some straight on Serbian holy sites, and certainly do not represent a good example of architectural heritage or ethnic group ... are piutosto indeed a shame!
Another mosque "modern." The number of mosques need to prove "ownership" of Albanian ....
on Signal road applications often written Serbian (Latin alphabet that even the Serbs do not recognize) are deleted. This is an "invitation" Serb refugees not to return to their place of origin.
All the signals that have been made after the declaration of independence show signs written in Albanian and Serbian (Latin). Until 1999, the signs were written in Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin) and Albanian. From the names of places, mountains and rivers, however, we see that there are no places of Albanian origin. The names have only been adapted to the way scirvere of the Albanian language. Even the name "Kosovo" is a word that comes from the Serbian, Albanian, the word has no meaning.
means that the name of Albanian origin, there are none around here, because there was no need to keep the Serbian name.
An example: Vucitrn (Serbian)-Vushtrri (alb), Obilic (Serbian)-Obiliq (alb) ...
I was thinking it would be like if, for example in Switzerland Serbs declare independence in the province of Zurich calling it "Cirih", that is the Serbian way of writing the word "Zurich", as other non-Serb. Because in this case, of Serbian heritage in Switzerland there is none, then there are names of places etc. words that go back to Serbia.
In the third part of my next journal I'll talk about something lighter, more beautiful ... unfortunately during the journey to arrive in the Serbian enclave, I had the pleasurable feelings. How
here in Suva Reka (Metohija), with Orthodox churches mined by the roadside. In Suva Reka up to 3,000 Serbs lived 10 years ago. Now even a
has returned to live here.
For those who want to see my whole album, is on face book.
Nemanja Mitrovic

Journey from Kosovska Mitrovica to Orahovac.
The journey from Kosovska Mitrovica to Orahovac was one of the most frightening of my espereineza in Kosmet. Immediately after crossing the bridge that separates the northern part of K. Mitrovica (Serbian part) from the south (Albanian part) we see houses, villages and places Serbs burned. On the stage, where not so long ago, in some places, the population was in majority Serb , now there is not even one more.
Let Serbian churches and cemeteries blown up by mines or fire and destroyed by Albanians. Next to them a string of ugly and insignificant Construction type gas stations, hotels, mosques and monuments of the terrorists of the KLA or huge mansions built by the Albanians over the past 10 years certainly does not create a rare combination.

One of the mosques built recently. Of these there are really everywhere, but still nothing REPRESENTATION it as a historian, are of architectural importance.

Do you think this power plant near Obilic until 1999 was the largest in the central Kosmetica and producing enough electricity for the entire province. Today, in the hands of "experts" Albanian produces just 10%. So I needed electric current restrictions that leave areas for hours or even for days without electricity. And that is something a bit 'intentional and serves as a political tool to put pressure on people to take heed or internationally.
Wishing you could not only produce energy for the entire Kosmetica, even if they could export.

The entrance to Pristina, the city where they lived until in 1999, 40,000 Serbs and 10,000 Roma. After the ethnic cleansing by the Albanians, with strong support from the United States and NATO countries, today we still live just a few thousand Serbs and Roma 1000.

And here also a demonstration to show a stupid tacky gratituddine the United States: a replica of the Statue of Liberty! (Price is still to be seen that the Albanians will have to pay the U.S. for the help!)

These buildings were built in the last 10 years, some straight on Serbian holy sites, and certainly do not represent a good example of architectural heritage or ethnic group ... are piutosto indeed a shame!

All the signals that have been made after the declaration of independence show signs written in Albanian and Serbian (Latin). Until 1999, the signs were written in Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin) and Albanian. From the names of places, mountains and rivers, however, we see that there are no places of Albanian origin. The names have only been adapted to the way scirvere of the Albanian language. Even the name "Kosovo" is a word that comes from the Serbian, Albanian, the word has no meaning.
means that the name of Albanian origin, there are none around here, because there was no need to keep the Serbian name.
An example: Vucitrn (Serbian)-Vushtrri (alb), Obilic (Serbian)-Obiliq (alb) ...
I was thinking it would be like if, for example in Switzerland Serbs declare independence in the province of Zurich calling it "Cirih", that is the Serbian way of writing the word "Zurich", as other non-Serb. Because in this case, of Serbian heritage in Switzerland there is none, then there are names of places etc. words that go back to Serbia.

In the third part of my next journal I'll talk about something lighter, more beautiful ... unfortunately during the journey to arrive in the Serbian enclave, I had the pleasurable feelings. How
here in Suva Reka (Metohija), with Orthodox churches mined by the roadside. In Suva Reka up to 3,000 Serbs lived 10 years ago. Now even a
has returned to live here.
For those who want to see my whole album, is on face book.
Nemanja Mitrovic
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