Entrance to the Monastery of Zociste 14.secolo, near the town of the same name, which is about 5 km from Orahovac.
Monastery Zociste

In 2004 the church was rebuilt, and to rebuild it, they reused the same stones, adding new ones.
strettisima The monastery is now under supervision of KFOR, as it is completely isolated in an area entirely Albanian. This sacred place is often visited by Muslim Albanians.

Velika Hoca

Case Serb village in Metohija typical Velika Hoca.

Velika Hoca is a beautiful place and culturally important with 12 churches in the 12th, 14th and 16th century. Is also known as millet wine is produced Metohija.
In 1999, about 2,000 Serbs living there, now there are only 700.

very hospitable people received us with great affection.

Nearby are all the coats of arms of the military forces which have protected the church from 1999 until now.


Entering Orahovac, we encounter a large group of Albanians. Here our driver reflects on what to do. We decide to pass the same ....

The Serbs are mostly refugees in northern Serbia.
Today the town is dirty and disorganized, and full of new mosques, many of these new mosques belong to Wahhabies (extremist Islamic sect)
One of the new mosques. Although this is a bit 'particular: the ground floor we have a boutique collogato .... :-)


Prizren, the city of Tsar Dusan, was once the capital of Serbia. The churches and monasteries do not seem to want to give the medieval splendor of the past and the bad and isignificanti development of the Albanians that have arisen in the last 10 years.

The area around the river Bistrica "overlooking the fortress" Kaljaja "of Tsar Dusan.
In 1999, 10,000 Serbs lived in Prizren, and today there are only 200. But not only the Serbs have fled from Prizren, even Gorani, Slavic Muslims and Roma.
Many of them had to take refuge in central Serbia. If you were at 40,000 in 1999 now there are only about half.

Again this ridiculous way to show a stupid username Albanian gratitude to America and try to rewrite history!

A few miles on the road to Prizren Brezovica you arrive at the monastery of the archangel .
Tsar Dusan built the monastery in the 14th century and was buried here. In 17.esimo century during the Turkish occupancy, was destroyed (like many other monasteries) by the Turks. They stole the stones to build the mosque, "Sinan Pasa" in the center of Prizren. In 1998 the monastery was rebuilt and it worked again when, not even a year later, in 1999 he was sacked by the terrorists of the KLA. As soon as he recovered a funzionaemnto normal here in 2004, the pogrom of March, the monastery and Sato attacked again. This time, however, by young vandals civil Prizren.

Now the monastery is under KFOR Germanic protector.

It comes only after checks and identification

The picturesque road Brezovica

What do you think now of my trip?
inanza everything I broke the ice with all the fears I had to go to Kosmetica. Now I have the desire to return as soon as possible.
With all the true and false information that I had heard about this area did not know who to listen. Now I could see with my eyes and I have made a clearer picture of the situation and I can confirm that my thoughts I had before leaving was unfortunately true. The
Kosmetica was and remains Serbian Serbian. Nemanja
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