Nicola Angelastro - Communication Manager Gravina GD
How do you say to the head from the sun .... especially in August. In my usual round of deliberations, approvals and so just before leaving I see in resolution No. 133 of August 3, 2010 something disconcerting to say the least!! The expectations of the corporate campaign and autonomous space for the advisors of our unfortunate common GravinaLife (nothing against) for the modest sum of 6,000 euro! So says the resolution: <<.....tra gli obiettivi non secondari vi รจ la comunicazione istituzionale......RITENUTO...di far ricadere la scelta sull'opzione proposta di 15 pacchetti Eventi e spazi autogestiti, per un costo di 6.000 euro, oltre IVA..>>
time against vocal warning, my dear administrators, that the Mayors of the left and right to use the popular social COST COMPLETELY CLEARED Facebook network for their corporate campaign ..... I'll give some examples:
- the President of the Region of Puglia, Nichi Vendola best used the famous portal, making it one of the most clicked Facebook profiles of the same:
- the mayors of Florence and Bari have forced their advisors to register and actively use the personal profiles of Facebook;
- not to go very far, the mayors of municipalities like ours (such as Tring, Manfredonia and Putignano) exploit to Facebook the URP (Office for relations with the public) with excellent results:
- Mayor Santeramo in Colle, Vito Lillo (PDL), has even used Facebook for suggestions for PRG.
The resolution also mentions the number of visitors on GravinaLife (5 million), Facebook has ..... you know how many Billions!
Time: while the profiles of the gentlemen listed above are also updated in August, fifteen packages of self-managed campaign events and even the shadow ........
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