Kosovo and Metohija is the heart of Serbia, Serbia's sacred places, and always a great topic for us Serbs. The history of Kosovo poses many questions and always seems a wound never healed.
The whole world, October 15, 1912, believed that the Kosovo Liberation dall'ocupazione Turkish, would end a conflict that has now lasted for centuries.
But now, after almost 100 years, could end it all with a unilateral declaration of independence?
from Serbian, I could not think and talk about this issue without having been there at least once.
My photos are the result of my momentary impression and photograph the situation in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija, that is by the river Ibar in the north, where Serbs are today in magiore.
The main sites are Kosovska Mitrovica (North del fiume Ibar), Zvecan, Leposavic, Zubin Potok ... "
" Kosovo heart of Serbia, Serbian Holy land, an eternal topic for us, the Kosovo story and the issue has been dragging through the entire Serbian history, as wound that has not healed, a world he thought was 15 October 1912, when the Serbian army liberated Kosovo from the Turkish occupation, it was the final act of several centuries dispute, is it after almost 100.godina, this time after the unilateral declaration of independence, put an end, as an attempt to form?
a Serb I could not to talk and think about this subject if I did not at least one went to Kosovo and Metohija. My view of the current situation in northern Kosovo and Metohija, namely North of the Ibar river, where Serbs are still an absolute majority. higher places as North Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic, Zubin Potok, etc ... "

View from the Serbian part of the bridge and Shiptar
southern part of town, where he lived until 1999, several thousand Serbs
, those who were not killed fled the northern part of town.
Vista nord della parte (quella serba) di Kosovska Mitrovica verso la parte
albanese, dove fino al 1999 vivevano migliaia di serb,
che sono nella parte nord scappati.
southern part of town, where he lived until 1999, several thousand Serbs
, those who were not killed fled the northern part of town.
Vista nord della parte (quella serba) di Kosovska Mitrovica verso la parte
albanese, dove fino al 1999 vivevano migliaia di serb,
che sono nella parte nord scappati.

Monument Architects, Bogdan Bogdanovic, miners,
near Zvecan and K. Mitrovica
is one of the largest lead and zinc mines in Serbia
Trepca formerly was the driver of the economy
city and today is the minimum capacity.
Il monumento di Bogdan Bogdanovic Dedicato ai past.
near Zvecan and K. Mitrovica
is one of the largest lead and zinc mines in Serbia
Trepca formerly was the driver of the economy
city and today is the minimum capacity.
Il monumento di Bogdan Bogdanovic Dedicato ai past.

the Mothers of nine Jugovica "," Serbs for Serbs "
from Montenegro and the Serbian Republic, part of the aid
he arrived from the Serbian Royal Couple,
assistance was sent Serbian enclave, New
hill in eastern Kosovo and Metohija.
Abbiamo caricato merce per aiuti umanitari che è stato dalle
donata Organizzazioni "Madre dei 9 Jugo" e "Serbo per Serb" e che è
arrivata e dal dal Montenegro Republic of Serbian
e dalla famiglia del re inglese. La merce è per un destinato
enclave di serbi nell'est del Kosovo Metohija e che si chiama Novo Brdo.
These trucks be under strict international escort
forces to travel to your destination. Although clearly bear the sign of the Red Cross
possibility of attacks by Albanians is enormous.
Questo camion verre rigorosamente scortato
to Forze internazionali destinazione a fine finale.
Rischierebbe di venire attaccato, nonostante la Croce Rossa yard.
forces to travel to your destination. Although clearly bear the sign of the Red Cross
possibility of attacks by Albanians is enormous.
Questo camion verre rigorosamente scortato
to Forze internazionali destinazione a fine finale.
Rischierebbe di venire attaccato, nonostante la Croce Rossa yard.

At the entrance to the Monastery Sočanica, of brotherhood,
Nenad, The Godfather and myself.
All'entrata del Monastero di Socanica: il mio Godfather
due Frati del Monastero, il mio amico ed and Nenad.
Nenad, The Godfather and myself.
All'entrata del Monastero di Socanica: il mio Godfather
due Frati del Monastero, il mio amico ed and Nenad.

there was a church dedicated to St. Demetrius in which the city
named as his protector, 2005.
was finished building the new Temple of Saint Demetrius
on the hill above the K. Mitrovica.
Kosovsoka Mitrovica: in questo percent Moltissimo tempo fa, c'era una chiesa
Dedicated to the San Dimitri
to cui la città a Ricevuto il nome. Questa chiesa è stata
nello stesso luogo costruita, nel 2005th

the Viore largest Serbian flag that I've ever seen.
Sulla collina and Zvecan è la bandiera serba
più grande mai visto che abbi
Born in northern Serbia, originating from the vicinity of Leskovac, currently live and work in Zurich.
Painted, during my June 2009. for the entire преглед посетите мој албум на фејсбуку овде .
These are some of my photos of the trip I made in June 2009. The entire album with a lot of explanations can visit here (for those who are on Facebook).
I was born in northern Serbia, I have my roots in the vicinity of Leskovac and I now live abroad, but the heart was in my country.
Nemanja Mitrovic
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