UdC The youth movement, the Young Democrats, the Young Italy and Nichi mills in order to promote new forms of participation in democratic life, turns into a campaign-oriented training citizenship against the racket and wear and activate pathways of awareness in schools in order to develop a new civic consciousness among the younger Sunday, March 13, 2011, 9.30 will be together in Square Republic with the initiative "a signature for the law."
The collection of signatures will be an opportunity to present the City Administration:
- Motion - SUBJECT: initiatives against the mafia and development of legality and transparency on the part of local authorities - Commitment to the Commons in a civil proceedings for Mafia involving the government.
- draft resolution to City Council for Public Registry of the elect.
Both are developed and promoted by ANCI - Young and give the possibility to our beloved Gravina in Puglia to become part of the national circuit of Educating Cities.
UdC Young - Young Democrats - Young Italy - Manufacture of Gravina in Puglia Nichi
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